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Kryst-Scape - Registration Agreement Terms

Forum Terms of service

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In order to ensure the moderation of this forum, any message violating the preceding provisions may be edited or deleted without notice by the moderators and administrators of the forum. Any abuse may also be sanctioned by banning or deleting the user account. We reserve the right to inform your access provider and/or the judicial authorities of any malicious behaviour.

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- You acknowledge that you have read these rules in their entirety ;
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- You grant moderators of this forum the right to delete, move or edit any topic at any time.

Forum Rules Having fun, helping, and meeting new people, Are the guiding principles behind this forum. If you think something you are posting may be rude, upsetting, racist, imflammatory, destructive or offensive, DONT POST IT! General Rules 1. Do not post porn links or pornographic avatars. 2. Do not swear/cuss in your posts. 3. Do not spam. 4. Do not double, and triple post, use the EDIT button. 5. No personal attacks on other users. 6. Posting excessive links to other forums may get you banned. 7. No Advertising (see "Advertising section down) 8. No multiple-accounts allowed. 9. No posing 10. No Post-a-Thons 11. No copy posting 12. No posting of "hacks" in the forum If any of these posting rules are broken you will be warned ONLY 1 time, then ultimately banned from the site if it's serious. Forums are great for constructive comments, getting help, and meeting new friends, so have fun! If you wish to talk about other topics,do it in the Off Topic section. Signature Rules Signature images have no size limit, but be sure that your sig isnt over 500 pixels tall. The sig has a limit of 255 characters. Abusive content, flaming, threats, ect, is absolutely forbidden in signatures. The forum admins and mods will make sure your sig is under the rules. Avatar Rules Avatars limits are 500x500 pixels and 60kb of size. They follow the same rules as sigs. Advertising Advertising is forbidden, therefore links to other forums/websites are forbidden. If you want to be allowed to have a link to another forum in your sig/post/profile you have to contact me. If you post any links without permission they will be removed by mods/admins, so please dont do it. Moderating We have a current staff composed of 1 admins. and 0 mods, so if you are interested in becoming a mod, we will need you to first meet these requirements. - At least 200 posts (but it is not enough) - trust from ALL the mods/admins - Contributed for the improvement of the Forum - Know how to behave as a Moderator and know enough about the Forum Rules and Sanity Rules to help everyone who needs it. Remember, to be a mod, fill these requisits and only then, you may ask to be one. In closing... Anyone found abusing of these rules will find their posts/threads containing them, blocked or deleted and in last case, the member will be banned. This forum is a place for people of all shapes and sizes to get along while sharing and learning from the best. So have fun, meet new people, learn, and share your Threads/Forums, we are glad your here! Thanks for reading this, please respect these rules. Sincerely, Sarrio *(Host of Forums)*