Name: Ryan Griffiths
Age: 16
Country/ Time zone: England (GMT)
In-game Name(s): Talipen
Average Activity Time Per Day: 7hrs approx
Previous Experience: I have played many other servers, helping players creating guides.
Reason you are applying: I think that I will help this server progress to be the best.
What have you done for the community: N/A apart from vote
What will you do if chosen to be a moderator: help players in need, help players with problems, jail/mute/ban any players who deserve it for breaking the rules
About Yourself: I am Ryan I am 16, male. I play Xbox computer anything like that. I enjoy playing private servers as they are fun, I also play football. I am very active but also play a lot on my computer. I am currently at college, as my college table is weird I get a lot of time off, therefore I play private servers hence why I am on so long a day.
I hope you consider my application I look forward to seeing you in game
*If I have forgotten anything or can improve this in any way please let me know
Talipen / Ryan